Pork Pie DALLAX - Heart Storming CD

9,90 EUR


DALLAX - Heart Storming


DALLAX keep their chin up high! The Japanese guys of DALLAX are going on Germany tour again in June 2011, though the catastrophe in their homecountry has changed everybodies life. Despite it all DALLAX recorded a charity song "Play for Japan / ONE BIG FAMILY" with bands from all over the world singing along with them. But that's not enough! On 10th June 2011  DALLAX'  new album called "Heart Storming" will be released and of course you can expect it in traditional DALLAX quality and sound. All proceeds of the sale of the charity song and the album are going to be donated directly to Japanese aid organisations. So please buy  the CD and visit them on their shows, it's your little personal support for Japan!Tracklist:BabylonGlow Of My LifeDive Into CallingMisirlouDoube-FacedBoneless FighterThe Longest RidgeFinetunes